Data license: Creative Commons Attribution · Data source: GreenInfo Network · About: simonw/calands-datasette
7 rows where MNG_AG_LEV = 8 and MNG_AG_TYP = 23
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Suggested facets: AGNCY_WEB
346 | 346 | 345 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.70881, 37.05148], [-121.70881, 37.05521], [-121.70362, 37.05528], [-121.7038, 37.06238], [-121.69622, 37.06245], [-121.69514, 37.06244], [-121.69439, 37.06355], [-121.69444, 37.0639], [-121.69444, 37.06407], [-121.69411, 37.0645], [-121.6941, 37.06458], [-121.69364, 37.06462], [-121.69249, 37.0636], [-121.69248, 37.05907], [-121.69522, 37.05905], [-121.69519, 37.05511], [-121.69504, 37.05144], [-121.69974, 37.05144], [-121.69975, 37.04779], [-121.70426, 37.0478], [-121.70428, 37.05146], [-121.70881, 37.05148]]]} | No Public Access 3 | Uvas South Open Space Regional Reserve | | 33792 | 503 | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency 529 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 347.767 | Uvas South OS RR | |
524 | 524 | 523 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.68265, 37.13906], [-121.67601, 37.14237], [-121.67267, 37.13922], [-121.67394, 37.13832], [-121.67414, 37.13831], [-121.67417, 37.13816], [-121.67414, 37.13806], [-121.67415, 37.138], [-121.67421, 37.13787], [-121.67433, 37.13771], [-121.6747, 37.13787], [-121.6761, 37.13687], [-121.67571, 37.13647], [-121.67744, 37.13531], [-121.67854, 37.13499], [-121.68054, 37.1365], [-121.68265, 37.13906]]]} | Restricted Access 2 | Davidson Open Space Regional Reserve | | 33795 | 503 | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency 529 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 93.919 | Davidson OS RR | |
3214 | 3214 | 3213 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.75635, 37.21971], [-121.75564, 37.22071], [-121.75151, 37.22609], [-121.75121, 37.2259], [-121.75107, 37.22578], [-121.75107, 37.22539], [-121.75109, 37.22526], [-121.7512, 37.225], [-121.74995, 37.22425], [-121.74922, 37.22423], [-121.74873, 37.22405], [-121.74844, 37.22381], [-121.74917, 37.22299], [-121.75427, 37.22089], [-121.75529, 37.22009], [-121.75635, 37.21971]]]} | Restricted Access 2 | Tulare Hill Wedge Open Space Regional Reserve | | 33796 | 503 | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency 529 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 37.501 | Tulare Hill Wedge OS RR | |
11796 | 11796 | 11795 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.50878, 38.25131], [-121.50859, 38.25132], [-121.50676, 38.25202], [-121.50797, 38.25004], [-121.5081, 38.2501], [-121.50805, 38.25044], [-121.5081, 38.2506], [-121.50859, 38.25105], [-121.50862, 38.25117], [-121.50878, 38.25131]]]} | Open Access 1 | Locke Boarding House Park | 28425 | 2349 | Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency 1084 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 3.349 | Locke Boarding House Park | ||
15029 | 15029 | 15028 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.6993, 37.1374], [-121.69927, 37.13758], [-121.69925, 37.13763], [-121.69897, 37.1379], [-121.69889, 37.13803], [-121.69886, 37.13818], [-121.69891, 37.13845], [-121.69887, 37.13856], [-121.69879, 37.13863], [-121.69835, 37.13886], [-121.69819, 37.13898], [-121.69811, 37.13906], [-121.69804, 37.13918], [-121.698, 37.13927], [-121.69798, 37.1394], [-121.69502, 37.13926], [-121.69459, 37.1423], [-121.69774, 37.14279], [-121.69751, 37.1432], [-121.69747, 37.14338], [-121.69749, 37.14348], [-121.69753, 37.14359], [-121.69773, 37.14385], [-121.69774, 37.1439], [-121.6977, 37.14408], [-121.69774, 37.14423], [-121.69782, 37.14433], [-121.69793, 37.14441], [-121.69814, 37.14449], [-121.6985, 37.14457], [-121.69858, 37.14461], [-121.69862, 37.14465], [-121.69873, 37.14492], [-121.69878, 37.145], [-121.69885, 37.14507], [-121.69906, 37.14521], [-121.69907, 37.14526], [-121.69904, 37.1453], [-121.69893, 37.14534], [-121.69881, 37.14534], [-121.69868, 37.14529], [-121.69841, 37.14513], [-121.69831, 37.1451], [-121.69784, 37.14504], [-121.69732, 37.1449], [-121.69711, 37.14489], [-121.69657, 37.14502], [-121.69609, 37.1451], [-121.69592, 37.14514], [-121.69575, 37.14523], [-121.69534, 37.14556], [-121.69428, 37.14477], [-121.69077, 37.14709], [-121.68949, 37.14741], [-121.6883, 37.14735], [-121.68766, 37.14771], [-121.68593, 37.14831], [-121.68474, 37.14958], [-121.6848, 37.15033], [-121.68234, 37.15043], [-121.68145, 37.15097], [-121.68134, 37.15101], [-121.68069, 37.15066], [-121.67969, 37.1506], [-121.6794, 37.15055], [-121.67913, 37.15046], [-121.67887, 37.15036], [-121.67862, 37.15023], [-121.67818, 37.15011], [-121.67231, 37.14686], [-121.67231, 37.14683], [-121.67103, 37.14611], [-121.67103, 37.14609], [-121.67071, 37.14589], [-121.67035, 37.14558], [-121.67011, 37.1453], [-121.68383, 37.13848], [-121.69306, 37.1338], [-121.69859, 37.13656], [-121.69833, 37.13693], [-121.6993, 37.1374]]]} | Restricted Access 2 | Baird Open Space Regional Reserve | | 33794 | 503 | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency 529 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 597.913 | Baird OS RR | |
15030 | 15030 | 15029 | {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[-121.33318, 37.01942], [-121.33188, 37.02043], [-121.33185, 37.02053], [-121.33057, 37.02153], [-121.33034, 37.02154], [-121.32884, 37.02266], [-121.32829, 37.02321], [-121.32786, 37.02395], [-121.32768, 37.02432], [-121.32755, 37.02471], [-121.32745, 37.0251], [-121.32742, 37.02652], [-121.32737, 37.0269], [-121.32722, 37.02747], [-121.32709, 37.02784], [-121.32692, 37.0282], [-121.32672, 37.02855], [-121.32649, 37.02888], [-121.32623, 37.02921], [-121.3252, 37.03042], [-121.32465, 37.03112], [-121.32441, 37.03131], [-121.32412, 37.03164], [-121.32389, 37.03184], [-121.32365, 37.03202], [-121.3234, 37.03219], [-121.32313, 37.03235], [-121.32284, 37.03249], [-121.32254, 37.03261], [-121.31959, 37.03369], [-121.31926, 37.03379], [-121.3186, 37.03397], [-121.31804, 37.03408], [-121.3177, 37.03412], [-121.31603, 37.03443], [-121.31486, 37.03474], [-121.31471, 37.03445], [-121.31679, 37.03365], [-121.31661, 37.03311], [-121.31967, 37.03186], [-121.31922, 37.03113], [-121.32124, 37.03039], [-121.32143, 37.0303], [-121.3216, 37.0302], [-121.32172, 37.0301], [-121.32223, 37.02959], [-121.32263, 37.02907], [-121.32378, 37.02772], [-121.32397, 37.02745], [-121.32412, 37.02716], [-121.32424, 37.02686], [-121.32431, 37.02656], [-121.32434, 37.02635], [-121.3244, 37.02473], [-121.32454, 37.02415], [-121.32474, 37.02358], [-121.32499, 37.02302], [-121.32573, 37.02181], [-121.32578, 37.02182], [-121.32633, 37.02319], [-121.32831, 37.02267], [-121.32846, 37.02224], [-121.32838, 37.02221], [-121.32871, 37.02123], [-121.33079, 37.01895], [-121.33135, 37.01868], [-121.33202, 37.0188], [-121.33318, 37.01942]]], [[[-121.3394, 37.01452], [-121.33674, 37.01658], [-121.33659, 37.01662], [-121.33598, 37.01721], [-121.33518, 37.01785], [-121.33503, 37.01782], [-121.33494, 37.01789], [-121.33498, 37.01801], [-121.33349, 37.01917], [-121.33146, 37.01808], [-121.33411, 37.01517], [-121.33462, 37.01488], [-121.33712, 37.01426], [-121.3394, 37.01452]]]]} | Restricted Access 2 | Pacheco Creek Open Space Regional Reserve | | 33793 | 503 | Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency 529 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 162.411 | Pacheco Creek OS RR | |
15446 | 15446 | 15445 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-118.86603, 34.26242], [-118.86562, 34.26252], [-118.86522, 34.26265], [-118.86394, 34.26316], [-118.86356, 34.26328], [-118.86317, 34.26338], [-118.86264, 34.26347], [-118.86097, 34.26346], [-118.86089, 34.2628], [-118.8609, 34.26237], [-118.86095, 34.26211], [-118.861, 34.2619], [-118.86109, 34.26165], [-118.86118, 34.26145], [-118.86138, 34.26111], [-118.86163, 34.2608], [-118.86183, 34.2606], [-118.86237, 34.26013], [-118.8626, 34.25991], [-118.86281, 34.25968], [-118.86305, 34.25937], [-118.86326, 34.25903], [-118.86447, 34.25686], [-118.86461, 34.25655], [-118.8647, 34.25629], [-118.86476, 34.25603], [-118.86479, 34.2557], [-118.86478, 34.25538], [-118.86473, 34.25506], [-118.86461, 34.25463], [-118.86413, 34.25349], [-118.86406, 34.25324], [-118.86401, 34.25298], [-118.86399, 34.25267], [-118.86401, 34.25241], [-118.86406, 34.2521], [-118.86415, 34.2518], [-118.86428, 34.25151], [-118.86444, 34.25123], [-118.86461, 34.25101], [-118.86483, 34.25076], [-118.86509, 34.25053], [-118.86537, 34.25033], [-118.86568, 34.25015], [-118.86601, 34.25], [-118.86601, 34.25267], [-118.86509, 34.25268], [-118.86509, 34.25348], [-118.86601, 34.2535], [-118.86603, 34.26242]]]} | Open Access 1 | Moorpark Watershed, Parks, Recreation and Conservation Authority Open Space | 33712 | 502 | Moorpark Watershed, Parks, Recreation and Conservation Authority 1115 | Joint 8 | Joint Powers Authority 23 | | Special District 4 | 80.693 | Moorpark Watershed, Parks, Rec. and Conservation Authority OS |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE superunits_with_maps( id INT, map, ACCESS_TYP INT, PARK_NAME TEXT, PARK_URL TEXT, SUID_NMA INT, MNG_AG_ID INT, MNG_AGENCY INT, MNG_AG_LEV INT, MNG_AG_TYP INT, AGNCY_WEB TEXT, LAYER INT, ACRES REAL, LABEL_NAME TEXT, YR_EST INT, FOREIGN KEY([ACCESS_TYP]) REFERENCES [ACCESS_TYP]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AGENCY]) REFERENCES [MNG_AGENCY]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AG_LEV]) REFERENCES [MNG_AG_LEV]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AG_TYP]) REFERENCES [MNG_AG_TYP]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([LAYER]) REFERENCES [LAYER]([id]) ); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_LAYER] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([LAYER]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AG_TYP] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AG_TYP]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AG_LEV] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AG_LEV]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AGENCY] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AGENCY]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_ACCESS_TYP] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([ACCESS_TYP]);