Data license: Creative Commons Attribution · Data source: GreenInfo Network · About: simonw/calands-datasette
40 rows where LAYER = 4 and MNG_AGENCY = 494
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384 | 384 | 383 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.33204, 38.46376], [-121.33196, 38.46381], [-121.33192, 38.46388], [-121.33192, 38.46393], [-121.33195, 38.46402], [-121.33195, 38.46443], [-121.33194, 38.46446], [-121.3319, 38.46448], [-121.33169, 38.46449], [-121.33126, 38.46455], [-121.33095, 38.46455], [-121.33077, 38.46453], [-121.33071, 38.46454], [-121.33064, 38.46459], [-121.33061, 38.46464], [-121.33059, 38.46469], [-121.33028, 38.46469], [-121.33027, 38.46527], [-121.33022, 38.46521], [-121.33022, 38.46349], [-121.33204, 38.46348], [-121.33204, 38.46376]]]} | Open Access 1 | Bradshaw Vineyards Park | | 31991 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 4.593 | Bradshaw Vineyards Park | |
395 | 395 | 394 | {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[-121.32598, 38.45603], [-121.32594, 38.45607], [-121.32592, 38.45613], [-121.32599, 38.45629], [-121.32599, 38.45681], [-121.32597, 38.45684], [-121.32593, 38.45686], [-121.32555, 38.4569], [-121.32531, 38.45695], [-121.32508, 38.45702], [-121.32483, 38.45713], [-121.32478, 38.45712], [-121.32474, 38.4571], [-121.32435, 38.45667], [-121.32427, 38.45652], [-121.3242, 38.45629], [-121.32419, 38.45585], [-121.32572, 38.45585], [-121.32572, 38.45599], [-121.32587, 38.45599], [-121.32598, 38.45603]]], [[[-121.38888, 38.45574], [-121.38855, 38.45575], [-121.38854, 38.45632], [-121.38821, 38.45632], [-121.38824, 38.45615], [-121.38823, 38.4561], [-121.38818, 38.45606], [-121.38807, 38.45602], [-121.38795, 38.45605], [-121.3878, 38.45605], [-121.38776, 38.45603], [-121.38773, 38.456], [-121.38774, 38.4555], [-121.38778, 38.45545], [-121.3883, 38.45546], [-121.38838, 38.45541], [-121.38839, 38.45534], [-121.38846, 38.45534], [-121.38887, 38.45523], [-121.38888, 38.45574]]]]} | Open Access 1 | Calvine Station Park | 31996 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 6.171 | Calvine Station Park | ||
396 | 396 | 395 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.31049, 38.47177], [-121.31046, 38.47182], [-121.31031, 38.47181], [-121.3101, 38.47176], [-121.30978, 38.47163], [-121.3095, 38.47145], [-121.30927, 38.47122], [-121.30927, 38.47117], [-121.3093, 38.47115], [-121.31037, 38.47068], [-121.31044, 38.47071], [-121.3105, 38.4709], [-121.31049, 38.47177]]]} | Open Access 1 | Little Hawke Park | 32000 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 2.119 | Little Hawke Park | ||
397 | 397 | 396 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.37598, 38.47607], [-121.37594, 38.47623], [-121.37594, 38.47651], [-121.37591, 38.47673], [-121.3759, 38.47727], [-121.37588, 38.47732], [-121.37583, 38.47733], [-121.3749, 38.47733], [-121.37466, 38.47735], [-121.37462, 38.47733], [-121.37451, 38.47719], [-121.37432, 38.47701], [-121.37433, 38.47696], [-121.37449, 38.47678], [-121.37468, 38.47651], [-121.37478, 38.47621], [-121.3748, 38.4761], [-121.37479, 38.47602], [-121.37516, 38.47603], [-121.37547, 38.47606], [-121.37598, 38.47607]]]} | Open Access 1 | Tamarindo Park | 32001 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 4.11 | Tamarindo Park | ||
2182 | 2182 | 2181 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.46013, 38.50773], [-121.45932, 38.50774], [-121.45933, 38.50852], [-121.45855, 38.50763], [-121.45817, 38.50721], [-121.45703, 38.50611], [-121.45794, 38.50611], [-121.4579, 38.50626], [-121.45791, 38.50632], [-121.45798, 38.5064], [-121.45808, 38.50643], [-121.45815, 38.50643], [-121.4583, 38.50639], [-121.4593, 38.50638], [-121.45932, 38.50679], [-121.46012, 38.5068], [-121.46013, 38.50773]]]} | Open Access 1 | Bowling Green Park | 16311 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 7.166 | Bowling Green Park | ||
2628 | 2628 | 2627 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.36573, 38.47003], [-121.36487, 38.47003], [-121.36487, 38.46908], [-121.36488, 38.46905], [-121.36492, 38.46903], [-121.36572, 38.46903], [-121.36573, 38.47003]]]} | Open Access 1 | Carlisle Woods Park | 16857 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 2.052 | Carlisle Woods Park | ||
2715 | 2715 | 2714 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.3643, 38.46449], [-121.36429, 38.46453], [-121.36424, 38.46455], [-121.36352, 38.46455], [-121.36363, 38.46426], [-121.36351, 38.46422], [-121.36365, 38.46387], [-121.36365, 38.46358], [-121.36401, 38.46357], [-121.36406, 38.46361], [-121.36408, 38.46382], [-121.36413, 38.46403], [-121.3643, 38.46449]]]} | Open Access 1 | Caymus Park | 16983 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 1.304 | Caymus Park | ||
2938 | 2938 | 2937 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.35398, 38.45993], [-121.35397, 38.46027], [-121.35228, 38.46041], [-121.35222, 38.46381], [-121.35161, 38.46378], [-121.35101, 38.46378], [-121.35101, 38.46339], [-121.351, 38.46337], [-121.35101, 38.46333], [-121.35102, 38.4618], [-121.35105, 38.46135], [-121.35105, 38.45992], [-121.35398, 38.45993]]]} | Open Access 1 | Churchill Downs Community Park | 17250 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 13.003 | Churchill Downs Community Park | ||
3067 | 3067 | 3066 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.35779, 38.45983], [-121.35779, 38.4599], [-121.35724, 38.45991], [-121.35723, 38.46], [-121.35685, 38.46011], [-121.3564, 38.46016], [-121.3562, 38.46001], [-121.35594, 38.46023], [-121.35562, 38.4601], [-121.35525, 38.46002], [-121.355, 38.46], [-121.35432, 38.45999], [-121.35428, 38.45996], [-121.35426, 38.45993], [-121.35428, 38.45884], [-121.35554, 38.45884], [-121.35555, 38.45888], [-121.35588, 38.45889], [-121.35588, 38.45896], [-121.35585, 38.45902], [-121.35585, 38.45907], [-121.35587, 38.45912], [-121.35591, 38.45917], [-121.35602, 38.4592], [-121.35614, 38.45918], [-121.35638, 38.45919], [-121.35638, 38.45934], [-121.3563, 38.45971], [-121.35631, 38.45983], [-121.35664, 38.45983], [-121.35667, 38.45982], [-121.35672, 38.45985], [-121.3568, 38.45986], [-121.35685, 38.45985], [-121.35691, 38.45982], [-121.35693, 38.45983], [-121.35755, 38.45983], [-121.35757, 38.45982], [-121.35762, 38.45985], [-121.35768, 38.45986], [-121.35779, 38.45983]]]} | Open Access 1 | Cochran Park | 17471 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 6.253 | Cochran Park | ||
3231 | 3231 | 3230 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.38663, 38.46532], [-121.38661, 38.46533], [-121.38661, 38.46559], [-121.38657, 38.46562], [-121.38653, 38.46568], [-121.38654, 38.46574], [-121.38658, 38.46578], [-121.38641, 38.46592], [-121.38585, 38.46606], [-121.38558, 38.46532], [-121.3859, 38.46532], [-121.38648, 38.46505], [-121.38654, 38.46507], [-121.38662, 38.46507], [-121.38663, 38.46532]]]} | Open Access 1 | Cottonwood Park | 17692 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 1.648 | Cottonwood Park | ||
3242 | 3242 | 3241 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.40565, 38.45943], [-121.40393, 38.45988], [-121.4039, 38.45984], [-121.40385, 38.45943], [-121.40346, 38.45942], [-121.40343, 38.45854], [-121.40239, 38.45852], [-121.40238, 38.4582], [-121.40236, 38.45803], [-121.40231, 38.45783], [-121.40222, 38.45762], [-121.40223, 38.45758], [-121.40227, 38.45755], [-121.40258, 38.45749], [-121.40278, 38.45747], [-121.40306, 38.45748], [-121.40345, 38.45755], [-121.40409, 38.45774], [-121.40427, 38.45778], [-121.40452, 38.45781], [-121.40499, 38.45781], [-121.40503, 38.45783], [-121.40507, 38.45787], [-121.40515, 38.45827], [-121.4053, 38.45873], [-121.40543, 38.45904], [-121.40565, 38.45943]]]} | Open Access 1 | Countryside Comm. Park | 17707 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 11.172 | Countryside Comm. Park | ||
3357 | 3357 | 3356 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.44822, 38.49495], [-121.4482, 38.49517], [-121.44786, 38.49499], [-121.44687, 38.49483], [-121.44598, 38.49481], [-121.44504, 38.49472], [-121.44491, 38.49465], [-121.44535, 38.49428], [-121.44562, 38.49428], [-121.44583, 38.4941], [-121.44645, 38.49453], [-121.44665, 38.49463], [-121.44686, 38.49472], [-121.44727, 38.49483], [-121.44822, 38.49495]]]} | Open Access 1 | Crowfoot Park | 17834 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 2.128 | Crowfoot Park | ||
3434 | 3434 | 3433 | {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[-121.38155, 38.45546], [-121.38134, 38.45552], [-121.38115, 38.45563], [-121.38102, 38.45578], [-121.38096, 38.45595], [-121.38097, 38.45515], [-121.38053, 38.45511], [-121.38059, 38.45505], [-121.3806, 38.45497], [-121.38057, 38.45493], [-121.38053, 38.45491], [-121.38041, 38.4549], [-121.38041, 38.45474], [-121.38085, 38.45497], [-121.38115, 38.45506], [-121.3814, 38.45506], [-121.38155, 38.45546]]], [[[-121.38319, 38.45988], [-121.38277, 38.45988], [-121.38264, 38.4596], [-121.38272, 38.45954], [-121.38274, 38.45948], [-121.3827, 38.45937], [-121.3827, 38.45913], [-121.38268, 38.45901], [-121.38261, 38.45886], [-121.38245, 38.45861], [-121.38238, 38.45845], [-121.38224, 38.45784], [-121.38214, 38.45762], [-121.38195, 38.4573], [-121.38188, 38.45714], [-121.38182, 38.45694], [-121.38176, 38.45661], [-121.38171, 38.45649], [-121.38156, 38.45622], [-121.38155, 38.4561], [-121.38154, 38.45606], [-121.38149, 38.45601], [-121.3814, 38.456], [-121.38131, 38.45603], [-121.38128, 38.45611], [-121.38109, 38.45611], [-121.38109, 38.45595], [-121.38113, 38.45583], [-121.38123, 38.4557], [-121.38135, 38.45562], [-121.38148, 38.45558], [-121.38159, 38.45557], [-121.38319, 38.45988]]]]} | Open Access 1 | Danbury Parkway | 17917 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 3.91 | Danbury Parkway | ||
3454 | 3454 | 3453 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.43409, 38.49084], [-121.43187, 38.49083], [-121.4318, 38.48936], [-121.43254, 38.48936], [-121.43253, 38.48902], [-121.43257, 38.489], [-121.43256, 38.48881], [-121.434, 38.48881], [-121.43409, 38.49084]]]} | Open Access 1 | Daylor Sports Field | 17963 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 9.777 | Daylor Sports Field | ||
4277 | 4277 | 4276 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.44096, 38.48746], [-121.43882, 38.48746], [-121.43884, 38.48537], [-121.44086, 38.48501], [-121.44096, 38.48746]]]} | Open Access 1 | Florin Creek Park | 18964 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 11.319 | Florin Creek Park | ||
4342 | 4342 | 4341 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.44673, 38.5137], [-121.44636, 38.5137], [-121.44636, 38.51283], [-121.44672, 38.51283], [-121.44673, 38.5137]]]} | Open Access 1 | Fountain Plaza Park | 19022 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 0.771 | Fountain Plaza Park | ||
4443 | 4443 | 4442 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.4614, 38.52133], [-121.46141, 38.52418], [-121.4614, 38.52477], [-121.46005, 38.52477], [-121.46004, 38.52331], [-121.45976, 38.52331], [-121.45944, 38.52306], [-121.46004, 38.52256], [-121.46004, 38.52166], [-121.46068, 38.52166], [-121.46069, 38.52133], [-121.4614, 38.52133]]]} | Open Access 1 | Fruitridge Park | 19136 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 11.33 | Fruitridge Park | ||
4585 | 4585 | 4584 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.41738, 38.50033], [-121.41737, 38.5009], [-121.41656, 38.50089], [-121.41623, 38.50091], [-121.41596, 38.50113], [-121.41545, 38.50113], [-121.41544, 38.50076], [-121.41547, 38.50068], [-121.41544, 38.50058], [-121.41543, 38.49992], [-121.41595, 38.49992], [-121.41597, 38.5003], [-121.41738, 38.50033]]]} | Open Access 1 | Kennedy Park | 20603 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 3.566 | Kennedy Park | ||
4865 | 4865 | 4864 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.43649, 38.48885], [-121.43648, 38.49039], [-121.43428, 38.49038], [-121.43421, 38.48884], [-121.43649, 38.48885]]]} | Open Access 1 | Hampton Park | 19633 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 8.295 | Hampton Park | ||
4905 | 4905 | 4904 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.3844, 38.45687], [-121.38428, 38.45693], [-121.38383, 38.45695], [-121.38348, 38.45708], [-121.38347, 38.45965], [-121.38194, 38.45553], [-121.38217, 38.45547], [-121.38219, 38.45568], [-121.38225, 38.45591], [-121.38258, 38.45677], [-121.38259, 38.45689], [-121.38265, 38.45695], [-121.38275, 38.45697], [-121.38285, 38.45694], [-121.38287, 38.45694], [-121.38291, 38.45691], [-121.38313, 38.45685], [-121.384, 38.45652], [-121.38405, 38.45651], [-121.38409, 38.45653], [-121.3844, 38.45687]]]} | Open Access 1 | Hardester Park | 19674 | 2160 | Southgate Recreation and Park District 494 | Special District 4 | Recreation/Parks District 4 | | Special District 4 | 4.808 | Hardester Park |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE superunits_with_maps( id INT, map, ACCESS_TYP INT, PARK_NAME TEXT, PARK_URL TEXT, SUID_NMA INT, MNG_AG_ID INT, MNG_AGENCY INT, MNG_AG_LEV INT, MNG_AG_TYP INT, AGNCY_WEB TEXT, LAYER INT, ACRES REAL, LABEL_NAME TEXT, YR_EST INT, FOREIGN KEY([ACCESS_TYP]) REFERENCES [ACCESS_TYP]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AGENCY]) REFERENCES [MNG_AGENCY]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AG_LEV]) REFERENCES [MNG_AG_LEV]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AG_TYP]) REFERENCES [MNG_AG_TYP]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([LAYER]) REFERENCES [LAYER]([id]) ); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_LAYER] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([LAYER]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AG_TYP] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AG_TYP]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AG_LEV] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AG_LEV]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AGENCY] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AGENCY]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_ACCESS_TYP] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([ACCESS_TYP]);