Data license: Creative Commons Attribution · Data source: GreenInfo Network · About: simonw/calands-datasette
6 rows where LAYER = 10 and MNG_AGENCY = 552
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8738 | 8738 | 8737 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.93421, 36.60999], [-121.93184, 36.60975], [-121.932, 36.60951], [-121.93212, 36.60925], [-121.93222, 36.60897], [-121.93226, 36.6088], [-121.93229, 36.60854], [-121.93229, 36.60833], [-121.93227, 36.60812], [-121.93222, 36.60787], [-121.93214, 36.60765], [-121.93203, 36.60742], [-121.9319, 36.60721], [-121.93327, 36.60681], [-121.93327, 36.60718], [-121.9333, 36.60759], [-121.9334, 36.60812], [-121.9335, 36.60851], [-121.93372, 36.60916], [-121.93395, 36.60966], [-121.93405, 36.60983], [-121.93421, 36.60999]]]} | Open Access 1 | Rip Van Winkle Open Space | 24395 | 3016 | Del Monte Forest Foundation 552 | Non Profit 6 | Non Profit - Conservation 12 | | Non Governmental Organization 10 | 9.948 | Rip Van Winkle OS | ||
11860 | 11860 | 11859 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.95578, 36.56241], [-121.95541, 36.5627], [-121.95521, 36.56252], [-121.95441, 36.56194], [-121.95423, 36.56185], [-121.95402, 36.56181], [-121.95362, 36.56184], [-121.9532, 36.56194], [-121.9528, 36.56209], [-121.95254, 36.56226], [-121.95162, 36.56178], [-121.95157, 36.56134], [-121.95185, 36.56108], [-121.95365, 36.5612], [-121.95494, 36.56186], [-121.95578, 36.56241]]]} | Open Access 1 | Pescadero Point and Hill Preserve | 28527 | 3016 | Del Monte Forest Foundation 552 | Non Profit 6 | Non Profit - Conservation 12 | | Non Governmental Organization 10 | 6.522 | Pescadero Point and Hill Preserve | ||
11866 | 11866 | 11865 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.97264, 36.58026], [-121.97194, 36.58041], [-121.97168, 36.58018], [-121.97156, 36.57995], [-121.97243, 36.57965], [-121.97257, 36.57999], [-121.97264, 36.58026]]]} | Open Access 1 | S.F.B. Morse Memorial Lot | 28537 | 3016 | Del Monte Forest Foundation 552 | Non Profit 6 | Non Profit - Conservation 12 | | Non Governmental Organization 10 | 1.251 | S.F.B. Morse Memorial Lot | ||
11867 | 11867 | 11866 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.97338, 36.57809], [-121.97338, 36.57814], [-121.97336, 36.57819], [-121.97331, 36.57824], [-121.97312, 36.57833], [-121.97302, 36.57843], [-121.97297, 36.57853], [-121.97293, 36.57871], [-121.97263, 36.57919], [-121.97258, 36.57922], [-121.97253, 36.57924], [-121.97246, 36.57923], [-121.97242, 36.57921], [-121.9721, 36.57881], [-121.97039, 36.57694], [-121.97018, 36.57673], [-121.97014, 36.57667], [-121.97012, 36.57657], [-121.97014, 36.57584], [-121.97018, 36.57573], [-121.97027, 36.57565], [-121.97038, 36.5756], [-121.97052, 36.57559], [-121.97066, 36.57564], [-121.97074, 36.57569], [-121.97096, 36.57594], [-121.97118, 36.57611], [-121.97227, 36.57678], [-121.97236, 36.57686], [-121.97252, 36.57711], [-121.97271, 36.57731], [-121.97281, 36.57754], [-121.97292, 36.57771], [-121.97307, 36.57787], [-121.97332, 36.57802], [-121.97338, 36.57809]]]} | Open Access 1 | Crocker Grove | 28538 | 3016 | Del Monte Forest Foundation 552 | Non Profit 6 | Non Profit - Conservation 12 | | Non Governmental Organization 10 | 12.522 | Crocker Grove | ||
11873 | 11873 | 11872 | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-121.93865, 36.5922], [-121.9385, 36.59231], [-121.93833, 36.59246], [-121.93821, 36.59261], [-121.93805, 36.59288], [-121.93796, 36.59297], [-121.93785, 36.59304], [-121.93772, 36.59309], [-121.93748, 36.59312], [-121.93697, 36.59309], [-121.93678, 36.59312], [-121.93661, 36.59321], [-121.93653, 36.59328], [-121.93647, 36.59336], [-121.93641, 36.59351], [-121.93642, 36.59371], [-121.9365, 36.59392], [-121.93628, 36.59392], [-121.93582, 36.59325], [-121.93533, 36.59259], [-121.93454, 36.59162], [-121.93252, 36.59221], [-121.93076, 36.58845], [-121.93099, 36.5882], [-121.93124, 36.58796], [-121.93174, 36.58756], [-121.932, 36.58739], [-121.93225, 36.58726], [-121.93273, 36.58707], [-121.9333, 36.58694], [-121.93358, 36.5869], [-121.93397, 36.58689], [-121.9343, 36.5869], [-121.93458, 36.58694], [-121.93495, 36.58702], [-121.93517, 36.5871], [-121.93554, 36.58733], [-121.93565, 36.5894], [-121.93609, 36.58973], [-121.93683, 36.59097], [-121.93735, 36.59214], [-121.93865, 36.5922]]]} | Open Access 1 | SFB Morse Botanical Reserve | | 28568 | 3016 | Del Monte Forest Foundation 552 | Non Profit 6 | Non Profit - Conservation 12 | | Non Governmental Organization 10 | 63.616 | SFB Morse Botanical Reserve | |
14276 | 14276 | 14275 | {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[-121.92654, 36.55993], [-121.92639, 36.56], [-121.92627, 36.56009], [-121.92593, 36.5604], [-121.92586, 36.56052], [-121.92584, 36.56072], [-121.9258, 36.56082], [-121.92535, 36.56122], [-121.92524, 36.56139], [-121.92521, 36.56155], [-121.92522, 36.56169], [-121.92528, 36.56181], [-121.92547, 36.56213], [-121.9255, 36.56223], [-121.9255, 36.5623], [-121.92531, 36.56285], [-121.9253, 36.56346], [-121.92528, 36.56356], [-121.92521, 36.56369], [-121.92503, 36.56395], [-121.92494, 36.56423], [-121.92488, 36.56435], [-121.92364, 36.56601], [-121.92339, 36.5663], [-121.92263, 36.56706], [-121.92253, 36.56721], [-121.92228, 36.56781], [-121.9215, 36.56899], [-121.92037, 36.57038], [-121.91927, 36.57204], [-121.91913, 36.57218], [-121.91899, 36.57228], [-121.9188, 36.57238], [-121.91865, 36.57242], [-121.91735, 36.57272], [-121.91712, 36.57282], [-121.91691, 36.57295], [-121.91673, 36.57312], [-121.91662, 36.57328], [-121.91656, 36.57345], [-121.91651, 36.57366], [-121.91641, 36.57382], [-121.91592, 36.57423], [-121.91582, 36.57434], [-121.91426, 36.57282], [-121.91371, 36.572], [-121.91315, 36.57044], [-121.91344, 36.5697], [-121.91321, 36.569], [-121.91335, 36.56903], [-121.91351, 36.56904], [-121.91351, 36.56926], [-121.9144, 36.57028], [-121.91474, 36.57044], [-121.91522, 36.57083], [-121.91547, 36.57079], [-121.91582, 36.57063], [-121.91625, 36.57039], [-121.91654, 36.57045], [-121.91675, 36.57035], [-121.91716, 36.57037], [-121.91741, 36.57047], [-121.91788, 36.57038], [-121.91797, 36.57033], [-121.91806, 36.57027], [-121.91812, 36.57016], [-121.91814, 36.57004], [-121.91814, 36.56987], [-121.9181, 36.56969], [-121.91852, 36.56965], [-121.91856, 36.5695], [-121.91863, 36.5694], [-121.91908, 36.56966], [-121.91949, 36.5694], [-121.91981, 36.56917], [-121.92027, 36.56865], [-121.92032, 36.56822], [-121.91981, 36.56826], [-121.91938, 36.56839], [-121.91933, 36.56832], [-121.91974, 36.56816], [-121.9197, 36.56792], [-121.92011, 36.56765], [-121.92071, 36.56744], [-121.92063, 36.56718], [-121.92068, 36.56711], [-121.9207, 36.56705], [-121.92069, 36.56697], [-121.92066, 36.56691], [-121.92055, 36.56683], [-121.92021, 36.56676], [-121.92018, 36.56674], [-121.92018, 36.56671], [-121.92025, 36.56654], [-121.9203, 36.56634], [-121.92033, 36.5663], [-121.92052, 36.56619], [-121.92061, 36.56608], [-121.92064, 36.56598], [-121.92065, 36.56577], [-121.92069, 36.56566], [-121.92074, 36.5656], [-121.92079, 36.56558], [-121.92083, 36.56559], [-121.92123, 36.56582], [-121.92138, 36.56588], [-121.92156, 36.5659], [-121.92174, 36.56589], [-121.92193, 36.56583], [-121.9225, 36.56551], [-121.92266, 36.5653], [-121.92316, 36.56553], [-121.92356, 36.56515], [-121.92405, 36.56498], [-121.92359, 36.56459], [-121.92364, 36.56458], [-121.92411, 36.56494], [-121.9244, 36.56459], [-121.92459, 36.56419], [-121.92475, 36.56317], [-121.92474, 36.56315], [-121.92413, 36.5632], [-121.92413, 36.56317], [-121.92476, 36.5631], [-121.92476, 36.56234], [-121.92442, 36.56176], [-121.92466, 36.56167], [-121.92466, 36.56142], [-121.92486, 36.56141], [-121.92486, 36.56128], [-121.92498, 36.56112], [-121.92508, 36.56103], [-121.92507, 36.56041], [-121.92532, 36.56034], [-121.92639, 36.55982], [-121.92654, 36.55993]]], [[[-121.93147, 36.56365], [-121.93048, 36.56454], [-121.93017, 36.56492], [-121.92926, 36.56425], [-121.93065, 36.56304], [-121.93147, 36.56365]]], [[[-121.96137, 36.58829], [-121.96126, 36.5894], [-121.96019, 36.58938], [-121.9593, 36.58896], [-121.95808, 36.58933], [-121.95723, 36.58925], [-121.95638, 36.58921], [-121.95543, 36.589], [-121.95365, 36.58957], [-121.95329, 36.58964], [-121.953, 36.58949], [-121.95273, 36.58928], [-121.95237, 36.58925], [-121.9525, 36.58896], [-121.95323, 36.58923], [-121.95342, 36.58928], [-121.95368, 36.58932], [-121.95394, 36.58932], [-121.9542, 36.58931], [-121.95445, 36.58926], [-121.95475, 36.58916], [-121.95495, 36.58906], [-121.95511, 36.58897], [-121.95577, 36.58843], [-121.95587, 36.58828], [-121.95593, 36.58806], [-121.956, 36.58793], [-121.9561, 36.58779], [-121.95621, 36.58768], [-121.95638, 36.58758], [-121.95672, 36.58744], [-121.95702, 36.58735], [-121.95723, 36.58732], [-121.95762, 36.5873], [-121.95783, 36.58732], [-121.95808, 36.58736], [-121.96137, 36.58829]]]]} | Open Access 1 | Unnamed site - Del Monte Forest Foundation | 28634 | 3016 | Del Monte Forest Foundation 552 | Non Profit 6 | Non Profit - Conservation 12 | | Non Governmental Organization 10 | 102.939 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE superunits_with_maps( id INT, map, ACCESS_TYP INT, PARK_NAME TEXT, PARK_URL TEXT, SUID_NMA INT, MNG_AG_ID INT, MNG_AGENCY INT, MNG_AG_LEV INT, MNG_AG_TYP INT, AGNCY_WEB TEXT, LAYER INT, ACRES REAL, LABEL_NAME TEXT, YR_EST INT, FOREIGN KEY([ACCESS_TYP]) REFERENCES [ACCESS_TYP]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AGENCY]) REFERENCES [MNG_AGENCY]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AG_LEV]) REFERENCES [MNG_AG_LEV]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([MNG_AG_TYP]) REFERENCES [MNG_AG_TYP]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([LAYER]) REFERENCES [LAYER]([id]) ); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_LAYER] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([LAYER]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AG_TYP] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AG_TYP]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AG_LEV] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AG_LEV]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_MNG_AGENCY] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([MNG_AGENCY]); CREATE INDEX [idx_superunits_with_maps_ACCESS_TYP] ON [superunits_with_maps] ([ACCESS_TYP]);